video shopping

Joyus: A New Way to Shop Online

In my recent Citrus Lane review, I mentioned the fact that Citrus Lane subscribers got a $15 Joyus gift card in the boxes. At first, like I said, I wasn’t too thrilled because my first glance on the site seemed like there were several items out of my price range. However, after doing some digging, I found some incredible deals that got me very excited to use my gift card.

Tonight, I finally spent it, and I am so happy I did. See, I was just looking for a great way to transport cupcakes to church functions or when visiting relatives, and I keep attempting to make it work with an existing caddy I have, but I’ve really had my eye on a cupcake caddy for a long time.

I was thrilled to see that one of the current items on Joyus was a Wilton 3-in-1 Caddy that would carry cupcakes, mini cupcakes, or a cake! And hey, I like to bake all of those things!

If you haven’t been to the Joyus website, you really should check it out. Let me ask you this. Have you ever ordered jewelry online? Perhaps tried to buy an 18″ necklace, and, when it arrived, found out that an 18″ necklace is a lot shorter than you thought it was? Have you ever thought that something looked different online than it did in person, clothing that had a different pattern or flow than it did in a still picture, or wondered how else you could use an item? The best thing about Joyus is that it fixes these little problems with online shopping, because instead of just showing you a picture of the item, Joyus presents you a video shopping experience.

If you’re buying a flawless finish beauty product, it shows you how to use it. If you’re buying a home organizing system, it shows you exactly what it looks like, and that you can probably fit your favorite coffee mug underneath it. It truly does take the guesswork out of online shopping, because you can clearly see it. Perhaps you’re buying a sweater. Rather than showing you just a close-up photo of the sweater, Joyus takes you through what pieces you can wear with that sweater to make it a cohesive outfit.

Joyus also curates their products very carefully, and has some incredible select brands (hint: Citrus Lane is one of the brands they’ve featured!) They really work hard to make sure that the products they sell are the best of the best. Joyus is really worth checking out.

If you are interested in checking Joyus out, I’d love it if you would check it out via my referral link. If you click through on my link, you’ll get $10 to spend! I also found some great discount codes on RetailMeNot, so before you check out, be sure to check there and see if you can save a few extra dollars… My cupcake caddy was $19.99 plus $5.00 shipping, but after the gift card from Citrus Lane and a 20% off code I found online, I spent only $5.99 for my caddy!

I really hope you check out Joyus and see what all the fuss is about… it’s a worthwhile site and it truly makes online shopping easy. In fact, Joyus helped me decide exactly what I want to get for dinner party hostesses, my dad, and more, by curating some really great gift guides. I know you’re going to love their website, so go check it out already!

Disclaimer: My referral link above earns me Joyus credit to spend on their site. By clicking it, you also earn credit to purchase items on Joyus. It’s a win-win for both of us.